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The Kinsworn Hunters are more than just a guild on any single game we play. We're an organization that feels like a family, and operates like a team. Our members are intelligent and interesting, espousing a diverse set of beliefs and ideas.

In the Hunters, we describe ourselves as a unit, and the unit's name is literal. "Kin" means family. "Sworn", references our sworn loyalties to one another. "Hunters" refers the family name of "Hunter", which we proudly share.

We are comfortable discussing thoughtful topics, because we operate off the same baseline of loyalty and respect for one another. We don't always have to agree for us to have a civil or deep conversations. These aren't just ideations about the unit, but are core tennants of the Hunter culture.

That culture is the primary identity of this unit. It dictates our appearance and standards in-game, how we behave towards each other and the communities we participate in, and the values that we espouse as individuals. It's what allows us to become as cohesive and supportive of each other as we are, and what our adversaries view as abhorrent.

To that end, joining the Hunters is an involved process that is designed to filter out individuals who are not condusive to the team dynamic. Our requirements and standards are different than other organizations, and that is by design. We want people who want to be here. People who will see our protocols and lean into them, rather than shy away from them.

Some examples of our protocols in hyperbole; If your name is common or does not meet the unit's standards, you will likely be asked to change it upon joining. If you are a male and are addicted to playing as a female characters, you'll struggle with our representation protocols. If you don't like the color red, these are the guild's colors and we don them proudly. If facebook is too scary for you, you'll be terrified of the types of relationships you'll build here. If you have an innate need to be super special and contrarian, you'll struggle with the standards that are designed to ensure a certain level of basic conformity.

All of this stuff sounds pretty serious, but in live practice, it is realistically a non-issue for anyone who wants to be here. We like to get on, laugh, and have fun just like anyone else. It is designed to drive away selfish personalities who care more about individual expression than a long-term team philosophy. The Hunters have thrived for over 20 years, and will continue do so with the people who come here looking to make friends for a lifetime. If any of what is written here is detestable to you, then I recommend you do not apply. Your convictions may be too shallow for this team.

If what's been said hasn't deterred you, you may be the exact type of person we're looking for, and we want you to drive on with the application process.


For a more in-depth breakdown of expectations before applying to join, it is strongly recommended to read the  "About Joining" tutorial until you fully understand the material. You will need to be logged out before you can view that page.

If you agree to the terms laid out in the tutorials, go ahead and fill out the application. A Reaver will see to your application ASAP, & will message you at first chance that both you and the Reaver in charge of your recruitment are available to set up an interview with you. These applications are taken seriously. Fill out the application entirely and accurately, or not at at all. You will not be penalized for putting down too much information, but you may very well be denied for putting down too little.

Before submitting your application, be sure that you are not currently in a guild, & that you have severed any ties to any guilds you may be a part of. If the recruiter finds you and sees that you are guilded, your application may be terminated immediately & without notice. Furthermore, ensure you are using a valid e-mail address/contact information that we can contact you at, one you check frequently. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time and ours. An application is no good if we can't reach you .

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